Monday, April 19, 2010

An Ode to the American Style Lager

I lived in Germany(West Germany at the time) for 14 years. Many of those years were in my teens and I ventured out and had quite a few German beers that at the time I took for granted because for me, they were just what was available to drink. As a matter of fact it was not until I graduated from high school and decided to just work and stay with my parents that I discovered what American beer was. As I worked at a small shop on an American Military base many of the troops requested that I save them cases of Budweiser for when they got back from training. I of course thought that this was odd because we had soo much good German beer that was soo much better than this, but hey they were in the field for weeks at a time and if saving them Bud would make them happy then I was all for it.

Fast forward 15 years and I have now been living in the US for a while and though I have had many good beers, nothing had come close to what I had in Germany and of course I was broke. At this point I discovered the beauty of the American Lager. I had of course up until this point had plenty of great quality American ales which I still love and drink to this day, but my budget could not afford those brews all of the time. I started with Budweiser which to me is too carbonated and honestly tastes like crap. Next was MGD which I thought was awful. Then came Coors Original which I thought was pretty darn refreshing, but that was until I discovered Miller High Life! The beer which comes in a clear bottle (not the greatest for beer preservation) really hits the spot, especially on a hot day and at the Rite Aid you can almost always get a six pack for less than $7! I also am fond of Pabst Blue Ribbon, especially if it's in a long neck bottle! Both are easy drinking session style beers that won't set you back a ton of change and on a nice hot day will keep you nice and cool.

Do i still love imported and American craft beers? Hell yes, but honestly at times I just really want a Miller High Life or Pabst to quench my thirst and that's just how I feel.

P.S. as a bonus Pabst support music on NPR!
